Comments Retl: In her original role, Charlotte was doing a job that... >>> Retl: The day I wrote Kilo's text in the bubble, I meant... >>> Retl: Never trust a delivery-chu with your pizza. They will... >>> Retl: I like Nagoradria way more than I think I should~ But... >>> Retl: I never noticed before, but I think I like it when... >>> Retl: I really should name that green-wearing Kiddle of mine... >>> Retl: Half really doesn't belong in this group, but... >>> Retl: This version has a bit more effort put into the shading... >>> Retl: I don't exactly use Rosie for a whole lot of things,... >>> Retl: No guys, I'm not suicidal. Seriously, I'm... >>> Retl: I swear, I think every time I see this pic, whether... >>> Retl: Another one of the early designs for FIP. You can see... >>> Retl: To clarify, author appeal here refers to this image... >>> Retl: I think this is probably related to my thoughts of... >>> Retl: Here, you can see my initial response to the announcement... >>> Retl: This sketch here is a rare example of "The first... >>> Retl: I can't explain why or how much I like this particular... >>> Retl: I totally have no recall of drawing this, but it feels... >>> Retl: I refer to this as "Steamed Kilo". It makes... >>> Retl: Man Solla's leg here is so ridiculously delicious... >>> Retl: Out of all of my characters, Maribelle has the strangest... >>> Retl: I really like Lea's shirt here. It looks so darn... >>> Retl: I'm not a huge fan of markers. Never really got... >>> Retl: The point of this is that friends back friends. And... >>> Retl: When people say don't press the red button, that... >>> Retl: This is pretty much the same as >>> Retl: Outfit related to >>> Retl: Out of all the pics I've drawn so far, I like... >>> Retl: Honestly, I can't even remember what it was I... >>> Retl: Are they dancing or fighting? I think I drew them to... >>> Retl: This guy used to be named "Tori Tapmagic"... >>> Retl: Tiff's outfit here is partially based on the outfit... >>> Retl: This was the first pic uploaded to 1010.50. Not exactly... >>> First | Prev | - | Next | Last<< 1 | 2 | 3 >>